Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Post card fundraiser info

There has been some concern regarding the use of the addresses that we are providing for the fundraiser. I want you to know that I share those concerns. In fact in talking with the representative of the company we are working with, the first question I asked was about what they do with the information given to them. Their answer to me was that any information given to them will be used solely for this fundraiser, and will not be shared with any other party. They have also put this “guarantee” on the front of the envelop that housed the postcards your student brought home. I completely understand the hesitancy to give out friends and relatives information. If you do not feel comfortable in completing the postcards I understand and support you in your decision. I was not planning on doing a “school fundraiser” this year until I got a call from this company letting me know that the materials that we had ordered were ready to be mailed to us. Evidently Mr. Chadaz had agreed to do the fundraiser before his passing. I could have refused without penalty but chose to honor his commitment to the company this year. I plan to work closely with our Community Council and PTA in the future to determine the need for 2 separate fundraisers at McKinley in the future. We appreciate all the support parents give us and will support you in whatever decision you feel is best for you and your family regarding the postcards. We are trying to keep it fairly low key as well here at the school, which is why we did not have an assembly for the school to kick off the event. We will be much more involved with the PTA fundraiser as it rolls forward next week. I hope that you feel comfortable in contacting me with any questions you may have regarding anything going on here at the school. Thank you again for all that you do for your kids and our school!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Lunch Menu

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Lunch Calendar

Please click on image to view in better detail.

May Activities Calendar

Please click on image to view in better detail.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Principal's Message

I can’t believe this is the last newsletter for the school year.  Time is going so fast and furious!  There is still some school time left and I would like to share a few ideas and activities that you can take advantage of with your children now, and in the summer.
Make the most of the final weeks of school.
Review your child's progress. Many teachers spend the last weeks of school reviewing for the core tests and recapping the year's work.  You can help your children review by asking them to show you what they've learned, or working through homework problems together.
Schedule a final discussion with your child’s teacher. Talk about the year as a whole and identify successes, but also challenges your child may face when he or she returns in the fall.
Help your children stay motivated about school so they gain the full benefit of their final days in the classroom. Have a conversation every day about school. 5
Ask the teacher for a reading list for the summer. Teachers often have lists for the appropriate grade level, or in some cases you might be able to get specific recommendations for two kinds of books, those your child may enjoy reading, and those you may enjoy reading to your child.
Tips for Summer
·         Plan family activities that are fun, interactive and educational.
·         Attend summer activities with your family.  There are many enrichment activities in our valley available for children when school is out-of-session.
·         Ask not only about subjects, but changes in focus. For example, 4th grade students usually begin to “read to learn” rather than “learn to read.” If your 3rd grade student is struggling with his/her reading, this summer would be a good time to focus on improving reading skills.
·         If you know your child will be studying history next year, visit local historical sites or borrow historical books and novels from Garland and Tremonton Libraries.
·         Summer vacation is a great tradition. It's important to enjoy the time off. But children can also learn while they have fun. In fact, the best learning occurs when children don't realize they're learning. You can plan summer vacation activities that are both fun and educational.  The trick is to take advantage of teaching opportunities when they are right in front of you.
·         Develop writing skills by writing to family members or friends.
·         Continue reading throughout summer. Visit the local library where they can help you select books appropriate for your child's age and interest.  Show them by example and share some fun information from your reading.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bounce into a Book

Community Book Exchange on May 21st

Bring your old books to school starting May 6th-17th.  Get a coupon for the number of books you bring in.   On May 21st, return to school with your coupon to retrieve the same number of books.  Bring in 2, get 2, bring in 10 get 10!

This is a great way to freshen your home library! 

If you just want to donate we will be accepting all donated books. 

Please come on May 21st to our book exchange, even if you don’t have books to exchange, for your child to pick up a book for summer reading!

See you all May 21st!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

5th Grade Box Tops Winner

The winning class for the Box Tops Competition between the 5th grade classes in March is Mr. Bennett's class.  Way to go!