Wednesday, October 27, 2010

November Health & Safety Challenge

Each month there will be a personal challenge to help you be healthy and safe this year. If you discuss and accept this challenge with your parents, you can bring back a slip to be entered in a drawing for monthly rewards. You can also do your part to earn a “Blow Up Toy” Activity Day for the whole school at the end of the year. We are excited to see the fantastic students and staff at McKinley Elementary get fit and have fun this year!

November Challenge: Be Healthy
Develop good hygiene habits to keep yourself healthy!

1. Wash, wash, wash your hands. Wash well and wash often to keep those germs away!
2. Use flu prevention techniques to keep form catching or spreading illness. (See BRHD Flyer)
3. Keep your smile healthy by brushing and flossing morning and night!

Activities Week 1


* If you missed the last deadline to order a McKinley Cougar t-shirt and would like one, please fill out an order form and submit payment in the office. We can accept orders until Friday, November 5th. The last shirt order has come in, if you didn’t receive your shirt or have problems with your order, please contact Joan Whitaker, 257-8727.

* Please make sure to sign in at the office when you come to volunteer at the school and don’t forget to mark your hours on a Volunteer Sheet so we can track the hours. There is a Volunteer Sheet in the office as well as at each classroom door. THANKS!

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of November is between the 4th Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

* Early Out is Wednesday, November 3rd!!! School dismissed at 12:55 PM.
AM Kindergarten: 8:25 AM – 10:25 AM, PM Kindergarten: 10:55 AM – 12:55 PM


* Watch for Reflections information to be coming home soon. The theme this year is “Together we can”. If you want to see more information on the categories, rules, etc. you can visit then click on “Learn More” then “Local Participation” and then “Rules and Entry Forms”. Get those creative juices flowing and use your imagination to create something fun and unique!!! Entries will be due on Monday, Nov. 15th.

* It’s starting to get chilly outside, please make sure to send your students prepared for the cold weather.

November Principal's Message

November is a time that welcomes seasonal changes and family gatherings of giving thanks to all the wonderful aspects life has to offer. Enjoy this wonderful time of year!

We continue to focus our instruction on raising our scores in reading comprehension/fluency and math proficiency. Our test scores continue to raise but we know our students can do better in the areas mentioned. A child enters into the world of “loving to read” by having many opportunities to explore books. From the infant stage to adulthood – books change and/or impact the lives of all of us. The magic that comes from the stories told promote lifelong memories. Instill the passion to read by reading with your child every night, having them read to you or having them share a story with the family. The key is understanding (comprehension) what the words mean not just how to say/pronounce the words. Writing about a family trip, weekend, a fun event, a friend or family member is a great way to encourage your child to write. Encourage the use of quotations, capital letters, using different characters and have those characters have a conversation with each other, etc. Encourage a variety of writing from your children, for example a letter to a friend or relative, a thank you note, an invitation, a true story (non-fiction) or a make believe story (fiction). The more reading and writing you encourage and expect your child to do the more proficient he/she will be! The same goes with math. Math is all around us and giving children opportunities to figure out math calculations or brain teasers is fun and a great way to have a family activity. Involve as many of the family members as possible and make a game out of math problems.
Look forward to literacy and math nights to gain helpful ideas to help with your child at home. We can all use some extra ideas to promote learning! We appreciate all you do to help us help your child excel here at McKinley Elementary School. We are truly a team at McKinley School and together we win.

Mr. Chadaz

November Calendars

Click on the image to enlarge for better viewing.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tremonton Trick-or-Treating


The Festivities will be held on Friday, October 29th, 2010 From 3 PM- 6 PM. We will have a Pumpkin Walk at Midland Square and children will be able to Trick or Treat on Main Street at the Businesses that have a Ghost on their Window. They will also be able to Trick or Treat at the different Business’s Pumpkin Displays at the Pumpkin Walk. There will be face painting and games for everyone to enjoy!

Come on out and have some FUN!!!

Activities Week 4


* If you missed the last deadline to order a McKinley Cougar t-shirt and would like one, please fill out an order form and submit payment in the office. We can accept orders until Friday, November 5th.

* Please make sure to sign in at the office when you come to volunteer at the school and don’t forget to mark your hours on a Volunteer Sheet so we can track the hours. There is a Volunteer Sheet in the office as well as at each classroom door. THANKS!

* SCHEDULE CHANGES: Please note that the School District has notified us of some additional early out days that have been made to the 2010-2011 school year schedule. Here is a list of ALL the early out days for the rest of the school year so you can plan accordingly:

November 3, 2010
November 17, 2010
December 1, 2010
December 15, 2010
January 5, 2011
January 19, 2011
January 26, 2011 (Parent-Teacher Conference)
February 2, 2011
February 16, 2011
March 2, 2011
March 16, 2011
April 6, 2011
April 20, 2011
May 4, 2011
May 18, 2011

All of these dates are on Wednesdays. So the early out days will now be the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and students are still dismissed at 12:55 PM with AM Kindergarten from 8:25 – 10:25 AM and PM Kindergarten from 10:55 AM – 12:55 PM. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Also note the following change on Spring Break in April:
It was scheduled for Monday & Tuesday, April 25th & 26th
It will now be Friday, April 22nd & Monday, April 25th

* Red Ribbon Week is Here! It will be next week, Oct. 25-29. Let’s all get involved to show our commitment to living drug free!!!! Here is the Dress Up Day schedule:

Monday: Wear Red to show your support for Red Ribbon Week!

Tuesday: “Hats off to living drug free” Wear Fun Hats.

Wednesday: “My future is drug free!” Dress like what you want to be when you grow up.

Thursday: “Stomp out Drugs!” Wear crazy shoes, socks, boots or slippers. (Don’t forget real shoes for Recess & P.E. etc.)

Friday: “Live strong and drug free!” Wear your favorite team jersey, sports clothes or Cougar shirt.

Everyone is invited to enter our poster contest. The Theme is “Look at Me! I’m Drug Free!” Your posters can be on a regular (8 ½ x 11) sheet of paper and should show an activity that you love to do and can enjoy because you stay away from drugs. Please turn you papers in to the office by Thursday (10/28) morning before school.

*** Don’t forget to accept the October Challenge to “Be Strong!” Get plenty of exercise for your body and brain, and live Drug Free! The prize drawing will be on Friday, October 29th.

* There will be an assembly to celebrate Red Ribbon Week next Friday, October 29th at 2:00 PM in the gym sponsored by The BRHS Tough Club.

* The Annual McKinley Pumpkin Walk will be held next Thursday, Oct. 28th in the gym. All students & their families are invited to attend. It will be an Open House from 6:30 – 8:00 PM so come when you can and see how creative our students at McKinley can be. This year, those students that participate by bringing a decorated pumpkin to school in the day on Thursday, Oct. 28th for the Pumpkin Walk will receive an entry ticket from their teacher for a drawing to win some fun prizes that will be given to the winners during school on Friday, Oct. 29th. We will not be voting on the pumpkins this year, it is based on participation so everyone has the same chance of winning a prize but pumpkins need to be brought in that day. We will not be giving entries for the drawing that evening if you bring your pumpkin then. ATTN: Room Parents, please check with your teacher on their class theme for the Pumpkin Walk and then please have a poster prepared with the class name & theme and any type of decorations you wish to spruce up their display area (lights, tablecloth, etc.) and someone to come and set up the class table after school between 3:00 – 5:00 PM. You will also need to assign someone for clean-up of the class table after the Pumpkin Walk that evening. Make sure to use your list of moms for help with the activities throughout the year, they are willing and excited to help so you don’t have to run it all by yourself. We appreciate you!

* Don’t forget that the Box Tops Competition for the month of October is between the 5th Grade classes and the last day to turn them in is next Friday, October 29th. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Activities Week 2 & 3

OCTOBER 11 - 15
OCTOBER 18 - 22

* PTA Board Meeting: Monday, Oct. 11th @ 9:00 AM in the Teacher’s Lounge

* Community Council: Monday, Oct. 11th @ 3:15 PM in Mrs. M. Michaelis’ Room

* The Furlough Day that was scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13th was cancelled so school will be held this day.

* FALL BREAK: Thursday, Oct. 14th and Friday, Oct. 15th (NO SCHOOL)

* Book Fair Schedule (on the stage in the gym):
- Tuesday, Oct. 19th from 3:00 – 5:00 PM
- Wednesday, Oct. 20th from 3:00 – 7:00 PM
- Thursday, Oct. 21st from 3:00 – 7:00 PM
- Friday, Oct. 22nd from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
The Monster Mania coloring pages will be coming home on Friday, October 8th. They need to be turned back into the office by Wednesday, Oct. 13th. A $5 Book Gift Certificate will be awarded to one boy winner and one girl winner from each grade!

* Parent Teacher Conferences Schedule:
- Wednesday, Oct. 20th, School dismissed at 12:55 PM (Kindergarten students will have their short schedule like on the 1st Wednesday of the month) – Conferences run from 3:00 -7:00 PM that evening.
- Thursday, Oct. 21st, Normal school schedule - Conferences run from 3:00 -7:00 PM that evening.
- Friday, Oct. 22nd, No school for Kindergarten students only – Conferences held as needed for the parents and students of Kindergarteners.
You will receive a note with a scheduled day/time for you and your student to meet with their teacher. THANKS!

* Fundraiser orders will arrive on Wednesday, Oct. 20th and will be sent home with the students that day. If you know you had a lot of orders and your student will not be able to carry it all home walking or on the bus, you may need to arrange to pick your student up from school that day to help with the order. Also, if you had cookie dough orders, they have to be picked up that day because we have no place to store them. Please be prompt in delivering the items to those who ordered from you.

* Don’t forget that the Box Tops Competition for the month of October is between the 5th Grade classes. The competition will be which class can bring in the most of the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can all month and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! THANKS and Good Luck!

Friday, October 1, 2010

October Health & Safety Challenge

Each month there will be a personal challenge to help you be healthy and safe this year. If you discuss and accept this challenge with your parents, you can bring back a slip to be entered in a drawing for monthly rewards. You can also do your part to earn a “Blow Up Toy” Activity Day for the whole school at the end of the year. We are excited to see the fantastic students and staff at McKinley Elementary get fit and have fun this year!

October Challenge: Be Strong
Have the strength to do and be your best!

1. Get regular physical exercise and strength training to keep your body strong. (Try for a minimum of 30 minutes a day, at least three days a week.)
2. Keep your mind strong by making homework and studying a priority!
3. Be strong to live Drug Free! Watch for fun Red Ribbon Week activities!

Please sign and return the slip that was sent home to the box placed outside the office to be entered in the drawing!