Monday, August 29, 2011


If you were not at registration and didn't have a chance to join PTA, please go into the office and join. It is only $5 for single membership or $8 for dual membership. There is a very neat quilt that you can receive raffle tickets for joining PTA. The winner will be chosen in a random drawing on Friday, September 2nd after school and the winner will be notified.

Our PTA sponsors many different activities for the students at McKinley and we really want you to be a part of this great program.


Friday, August 26, 2011

September Calendars

Click on images to view larger.

Room Parents

Calling all parents:

If you were not able to attend the Open House but would like to be a room parent in your child's classroom, please contact Courtney Stocking at 279-6272 or We need some more volunteers and the more we get for each classroom, the easier it will be for everyone. Please volunteers a little of your time to make this year fun!


September Principal Message

We’re off to a great start and the teachers and students are working overtime to do their very best. I have been so impressed with what I have seen going on in the classrooms and in all the activities of the school. The spirit of volunteerism is indeed great here at McKinley Elementary and it is greatly appreciated. It takes a team to work a plan and a positive working plan is definitely in place at McKinley Elementary School.

As we begin this school year encourage your children to study smart. This is important at school and at home. Encourage your youngsters to treat studying as a daily assignment, not just something he or she does the evening before a test.

I encourage you to have after-school chats with your child. Greet your child with a question like “What’s in your backpack?” and you’ll discover a lot about what he or she does in class.

• Set aside time each day to go through their papers. Try to do it first thing after school when their day is fresh in their mind.

• Look over your youngster’s work together. Help them feel proud by making a specific comment about something they’ve done. For instance, if they show you a picture they have drawn, you might say, “The gray sky and mountains look just like our rainy days and valley.

• Have them talk through math problems and reading to show you what they have learned. They might want to explain want new math problem they learned that day.

Safety is always a big concern and we feel very fortunate that we have had a safe year this past year without any major accidents. The carpool lane is always a concern and we have had some major improvement thanks to all of you. Please remember to keep the flow moving when your pick up your child before and after school in the carpool lanes. There should be no U turns on 500 South. Be on the lookout for children and all pedestrians and continue to be courteous to all.

As always, thanks for support and thanks for letting me be a part of this great school and community.

Mr. Chadaz