Sunday, October 30, 2011

Reflections Deadline Extended

The Reflections deadline has been extended to Tuesday, November 1st.

The theme:
Diversity is....

Please fill out all necessary forms and turn in entries to the office.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

IHC Offers Classes for Kids

IHC is offering some great classes for kids at the Bear River Valley Hospital on November 12th and November 19th. Please click on the images below to see more information. Pre-registration is required so if you are interested, please call soon to reserve your spot.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pumpkin Walk

Don't forget the Pumpkin Walk will be
Thursday, October 28th from 6-7 PM

Wear your costumes, bring your family, and come look at all the fun pumpkins the students carve/design.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Just a reminder that Reflections entries are due on

Make sure to follow all rules and fill out the entry form completely and correctly and bring it with your item to the office to turn in.

is the theme.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

Mckinley is DRUG FREE and we are going to celebrate with Red Ribbon Week the week of October 24 - 28th.

Click on the image below to see the dress up days for this week.

This will be a fun week to celebrate staying healthy and staying away from substances that will harm our bodies.


Reflections is underway and all entries need to be turned into the office by Friday, October 28th. Unleash your creativity and enter!!!

If you have any questions, click on the images below (this was sent home with the students last week) for more info or go to for entry forms and more details.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

October Lunch Calendar

Okay everyone, here is the rest of the lunch schedule for October.
Sorry we couldn't send it on the newsletter this month.

Click on the image to view larger.

Walk-A-Thon Success

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Walk-A-Thon. We brought in $11,000 to use for activities, etc. at McKinley.


Thanks also to all those who put so much work into making it so fun for the kids, parents, teachers, and everyone. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Attention: Someone left a set of keys in the office. They have a GAME STOP Rewards card hooked to them.

If you cannot find your keys and these are yours, please contact Karma in the office.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

October Calendars

Click on images to view larger.

October Principal Message

We are more than a month into the 2011-2012 school year and I'm pleased to report that everything is going very well. Instruction is proceeding well, all students are appropriately engaged, and our PTA has already treated us to a great fundraiser and fun PRO Dad Pancake Dinner. I am always amazed at the community support and spirit at our school.

We have much more planned for the rest of the school year, including a Family Literacy and Math Night, Pumpkin Walk, and other parent/guardian activities for every grade. If you haven’t already, come and join the fun and let’s get to know each other better.

I feel so confident about each grade level in our school and have visited each classroom several times leaving with a feeling of satisfaction that we are doing the right things here at McKinley Elementary School. There are some things that we need to work on and our teachers are very sincere in improving and collaborating with each other to build upon each other’s strengths. We are trying to make every opportunity a win/win for all involved.

Our parent conferences will be held On October 12th and 13th. Your teacher will be contacting you soon about arranging a conference time that's suitable for you. It's important that every parent sit down with their child's teacher and have a candid conversation about their child’s strengths as well as their individual challenges.

Also, be sure to talk with your children about their school work to ensure their successful academic and intellectual development.

We're off to an exciting start and I'm delighted to be a part of it. Please feel free to give me a call or come and visit me with any concerns you might have or some exciting news you want to share. We are family here and my door is always open.

Mr. Chadaz
Thank you for your support.