Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Box Top Competition

Congratulations to Mrs. Knudtson's class for collecting the most Box Tops in November for the 1st grade.

Don't forget that the month of December is the competition between the 2nd grade classes so send all of your Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels to school CUT OUT ALONG THE DOTTED LINES-NOT THE WHOLE BOX OR SOUP LABEL in a bag with your student and make sure to mark the teacher's name on the bag.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Reflections Winners

Thank you to all those who participated in did a fabulous job.  Here is a list of participants and winners.

Visual Arts –Primary
1st Kase Avery
2nd Jarom Nelson
3rd Rachel Nelson
HM Natalie Kay
Brinley Higgs
Karsen Kincaid
Kaden Kincaid
Tasian Garza
Paige Curtis
Erika Beadles
Madelyn Mickelson
Crystal Park
Caytlin Montoya
Olivia Montoya
Kyle Detwiler
Kailey Boswell
Porter Woolley
Lilliana Buchanan
Chloe Hardy
Brinley Snyder
Eliza Kimber
Sarah Wilde
Destiny Hildreth
Faith Weathers
Mckelle Creer
Marcie Arteaga
Nathan Eggli
Angelique Weathers

Visual Arts – Intermediate
1st Abigail Nelson
2nd Matthew Christensen
3rd Lyndi Stanger
HM Jenna Park
Keziah Beadles
Alexis Curtis
Hallie Potter
Trenton Ward
Corbin Kierstead
Tanya Black
Whitney Hess
Ammon Nelson
Serena Allee
Rose Tolman
Kennadee Vaughn
Hailey Higgs
Veronika Duong
Julian Montoya
Ashley Mickelson
Madisen Child
Ashley Roberts
Chloe Fisher
Kallie Duong
Claire Throop

Photography – Primary
1st Ryan Pace
2nd Jackson Buchanan
3rd Ashley Stanger
HM Porter Woolley

Photography – Intermediate
1st Amy Stamps
2nd Amy Francom
3rd Makala Bills
HM Rheagen Hartfiel
Kearstynn Price
Charlesse Price
Kelby Avery
Tessa Woolley
Corbin Borg

Literature – Primary
1st Gracie Riley
2nd Sadie Hardley
3rd Hannah Potter
HM  Donovan Montoya

Literature – Intermediate
1st Erica Payne
2nd Abbie Fuhriman
3rd Halee Farnsworth
HM Karli Rasmussen


3D – Primary
1st Averie Fridal

3D - Intermediate
1st Mariah Campbell
2nd Gavin Cruz
3rd Kamrin McNeill
HM Abbie Fuhriman
HM Dallen Borg

Dance – Primary
1st Emma Kincaid

Dance – Intermediate
1st Jenna Park
2nd Erica Payne
3rd Alissa Moser

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Student Council Food Drive

McKinley Student Council is holding a food drive to collect food for the local food pantry.

Please send any canned or packaged food items (soup, macaroni and cheese, sauce packets, canned beans, spaghetti-os, corn, etc.) with your child to school and have them give them to their teacher.

Let's help our local food pantry stock up their shelves for the Holidays.


Yearbook Information


We would like you to help us design our yearbook cover this year.  Please submit your artwork with the following guidelines:

*  Design yearbook on an 8.5" x 11" piece of cardstock, portrait, we would like the front and the back cover to match, each needs to be on its own piece of cardstock.

* You must be a student at McKinley

* Information needed on the cover should include:  McKinley Cougars 202-2013 and either "Be a Pro" or "You're a Firework".

* Do not use anything copyright protected.

* Use markers, pencils, colored pencils.  Please do not use crayons, metallic, glitter, or neon.


Please order your yearbook as soon as possible so that we order enough for everyone that wants one.  You can order online or submit in the office.  If you would like to call and check if you have ordered you may call Wendi at 257-8220.


If you have any questions about the yearbook, please call Wendi at 257-8220.


If you have pictures that you would like to submit for the yearbook, please sent them to

Deadline to order yearbooks and submit covers for the contest is Monday, DECEMBER 3RD!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Box Tops Competition

Don't forget that the Box Tops Competition for November is between the 1st grade classes.  The class that brings in the most Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels will win a prize.



Sam's Club Treasure Hunt Event

Sam's Club will be holding a Treasure Hunt Event that goes along to our Ken Garff "Road to Success" Reading Program.

It will be on November 17th all day at your local Sam's Club.

You will need to go to the Customer Service Desk and ask for a map and collect stamps at different areas on the map.  When completed, go to the Customer Service Desk to receive a prize and turn in your map to the school.  If our school has the most maps, we could win a tablet computer for our school.

Even if you don't have a Sam's Club membership, you will receive one free for this day only and if you sign up for a new membership or renew your current membership, you will receive a $10 gift card.

A note will be coming home with more info on this event.

Grandparent Involvement

Hey Parents,

A grandparent to one of the students at McKinley asked us today how grandparents can find out what is going on at the school so they can be more involved.  Please share with them the monthly newsletter, tell them about upcoming activities, and give them our BLOG site so they can check it out online.  There are many grandparents who want to support their grandchildren by helping out and/or attending school and PTA activities and we gladly and openly welcome them and appreciate their help and support.


Monday, November 5, 2012

2nd Grade Music Program

Don't forget the 2nd Grade Music Program is on Friday, November 16th at 2:00 PM in the gym.  Please come and see how hard these kids have worked to put on an amazing performance.

November Calendars

November Principal Message

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Walk

The McKinley PTA Pumpkin Walk will be held on Monday, October 29th at the school from 6-7 PM.  We would like all students to participate if they can and would like to.  Each class will have a table set up decorated with the theme the individual teacher has chosen and the pumpkins are to be decorated around that theme.  Parents should be getting a note home soon from the head room parent notifying you of your class theme so you can start working on your pumpkin but if you haven't heard, please ask the teacher.  Room parents will be in charge of setting up and taking down the class tables that evening.  Please come and enjoy the evening as a family.  THANKS!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Box Tops Competition Schedule

We are having a Box Tops Competition again this year and here is the schedule of which month each grade's competition is...

October - Kindergarten
November - 1st Grade
December - 2nd Grade
January - 3rd Grade
February - 4th Grade
March -  5th Grade
April & May - All grades

There will be a treat for the class that collects the most each month for the grade level competition and there will be a root beer float party at the end of the school year for the overall collecting class in the school.

Please save all Box Tops and Campbells Soup Labels.  Make sure to cut the box tops and the Campbells Soup point labels out around the dotted lines.  DO NOT SEND WHOLE PACKAGE LABELS IN.  It helps tremendously if you can take the time to cut them out correctly.

This brings in a good amount of money for our school so please collect and help us out!!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference/Book Fair

Just a reminder that it is Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday, Oct. 10th from 2-7 PM and Thursday, October 11th from 3-7 PM (Friday, Oct. 12th for Kindergarten ONLY and no school for Kindergarten this day).  There will also be a book fair going on during conferences up on the stage.  Make sure to come pick up some great books for Christmas gifts or just for your kids to read now.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Reflections Info

PTA Reflections Program 2012-2013

“The Magic of a Moment…”

What is the Reflections Program:   Reflections is a cultural arts program that provides the opportunity for all students in grades K-12 to submit works of art based on a chosen theme.  It’s easy and fun to participate.  Just grab some paints or crayons, a pencil and paper clay, a camera, or a keyboard and creat a project that expresses your interpretation of the theme “The Magic of a Moment…”

Categories:  literature, musical composition, photography, visual arts film/video, dance choreography, theatre, 3-D art

Entry Forms and Rules:  Entry forms, artist statement forms, consent forms, media release forms, and official rules for each category can be downloaded from the Utah PTA website or you can pick them up at the office.  All forms must be completely filled out and entries must adhere to presentation requirements to be eligible for the program.

Deadline:  Tuesday, October 23rd at 4:00 PM.  Turn in entries at the main office.  The awards recognition assembly will be held in November to honor all participants and to announce the winning entries chosen to represent McKinley at the council level.

Questions:  Call Jamie Woolley 435-239-7315, Marci Borg 435-754-7574, or Sunshine Folkman 801-710-7968.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Duel of the Schools Walkathon

The fundraiser has begun.  All but Kindergarten had packets sent home with them on Friday.  Kindergarten packets will go home on Monday (Sept. 10).  Please make sure to read through the packets and have your students be collecting pledges (donation money) to help our school.  EVEN IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND THE WALKATHON ON THE 25TH, STILL COLLECT, IT HELPS WITH SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR and your students can still earn the prizes and be entered in the drawings.  When students have collected to the different prize levels...make sure to send back the money, pledge form, and prize coupons (with student's name and parent's initials) in their collection envelope so they can receive their prizes.  Prize Days are Tuesday 9/11, Friday 9/14, Tuesday 9/18, and the last day to turn in packets on Friday 9/21.  Let's raise some good money for McKinley!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Free Lunch Program

Box Elder School District Child Nutrition program will be offering summer lunches this year.  All children, ages 1-18, will be fed free lunch during the week, beginning June 11, and running through Aug. 3, except for Wednesday, July 4. Students do not need to reside in the school area to receive lunch.

Lunches will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., at the following locations:  Garland Elementary in Garland, McKinley and North Park elementary schools in Tremonton and Foothill, Mountain View and Lake View elementary schools in Brigham City.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Head Start is now accepting applications.

Please call Sareena Price for more information.  435-257-4593

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Here is an updated lunch menu for the rest of May. Please click on image to view larger. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Please note a change for Friday, May 4th's lunch schedule:

The #2 Option should be Chicken Sandwich instead of Chicken Salad.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Principal Message for May


May Calendars

Please click on images to view larger. 

May Principal Message

Helping Your Child Prepare for Core Tests and DIBELS

It’s that time of the year already and we have our CRTs (core tests) scheduled. Here is the schedule for our school:

3rd grade:                              April 30 – May 4
4th Grade                               May 7 – May 11
5th Grade                               May 14 – May 18
Third Round of DIBELS       May 7 & 8 (all grades)

Most parents have a lot to say about the validity and necessity of standardized tests. Your viewpoint on the subject will not change the fact that your child will soon face the rigors of the end of year exams. Like it or not, the scores and percentiles are quite important to your child’s future. Children are given a vast amount of knowledge throughout the school year, and are expected to be able to recall enough to answer the questions on a seemingly endless battery of tests. Teachers have been preparing their classes all year. Parents can also ready a child for testing by offering emotional encouragement and academic support.

Take responsibility. Tell your child that you and their teacher are going to work together to ensure test readiness.

Practice the format. Make sure your child has a chance to practice the test in the exact format they will see it on testing day. All core testing will be completed on the computers.

Make a plan. Find out if your child has any questions or concerns about testing. What if a question is just too hard?  Communicate with the child’s teacher.

Teach relaxation. Share your favorite relaxation techniques with your child. Teach your child to tackle only one question at a time. Teach self-encouragement phrases: “You can do this. That one was hard, but this is a new question.”

Clear the calendar. The night before a test, clear the calendar. Lay out clothes for the next day, and use the rest of the time for the family and stress free bedtime.

Express unconditional love. Express your love and confidence for your child. Even if scores never reach the 99th percentile, make it clear that your love and support will be there 100% of the time.

This is a very important time of the year and we need to support each other in this cause. Please have your students in attendance during their test time and have them rested and ready. They will do much better when they are testing with their classmates and have had a good nights rest. Thanks for your support and continued good works that make McKinley Elementary School such a great place.


Principal Chadaz

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Congratulations to Mrs. Holdaway's class for winning the Box Tops Competition!  Way to go!  :)  Everyone please keep collecting Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels to earn money and items for our school.  We appreciate your support!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Calendars

Click on images to view larger.

April Principal Message

What Children Can Learn – Just by Watching

The other day when I decided to have school lunch I overheard some of the students say “Look, Mr. Chadaz is having a chicken sandwich.” I was surprised that they even noticed that I was even having lunch that day let alone what I had chosen to have for lunch. It made me stop to think that I had better be a little more careful of what I say and do around these wonderful children at McKinley School. I found this fun little story that goes along with this thought and I thought I would share it with you for this month’s message.

  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that little things can be the special things in life.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I felt you kiss me good night and I felt loved and safe.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.
  • When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, 'Thanks' for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking.

Each of us, parent, grandparent or friend, influences the life of a child.

What are YOU doing when you think your child isn't looking?

Thanks for your continued support and backing. Please know that I support you too! Drop in for a visit anytime and please encourage your children to be at school and prepare for the upcoming end of year testing.

Class assignment forms are in my office for the 2012 – 2013 school year. These forms will be used for those students who need consideration in abilities and interests as they are assigned to a class for next year.

Mr. Chadaz

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Calendars

Click on images below to view larger.

March Principal Message

McKinley School – Where We Look UP!

You have probably noticed this quote on our marquee and on our doors at our school these past few weeks. We feel it is very important to have daily mental conditioning and having a positive attitude. A part of this is to look for the good in each other and to focus on the right things. Confidence is a choice and we can all help the students at McKinley look for the good in each day.

Part of this can happen at home. Here are a few suggestions that WE can all use as we are pitching in:

Would you like your child to be more responsible, hardworking, and persistent? Here are some ideas for working as a family to help your youngster develop these important traits.

A group approach
Thinking of herself as a “team player” can encourage your child to be responsible. Explain that your family operates as a team. Everyone must play a part to get things done. Example: You take her shopping for her clothes and sports equipment. She chooses her outfit each morning and keeps track of her bat and glove.

Hard workers wanted
Your youngster probably has regular chores to do. You can motivate her to work extra hard by placing “want ads” on the refrigerator. Choose a challenging job, and offer a benefit. Example: Wanted – a hardworking family member to clean out a corner of the basement. Reward – a place for you and her friends to play.

Sticking it out

Working toward small goals can make it easier to make it easier to complete a big task. Perhaps your family room needs a good cleaning. Write down the steps (move furniture, dust mop board, clean windows, etc.). Tell your child you’ll take a fun break after each deed is done (go to the park, take a bike ride).

Hopefully these will help all of us to bring out the best in all of us. Always remember that my door is open for a visit. Let’s all help each other to cross the bridge from Can to Will.

Mr. Chadaz

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gifted & Talented Nominations

The District is now accepting nominations for the Gifted & Talented program for those entering 4th grade for the 2012-13 school year. If you would like to nominate a student, please pick up a form from the office or download it at and turn it into the office by March 16th.

Kindergarten Getting To Know You

There will be a Kindergarten Getting To Know You activity on Wednesday, March 7th at 2:15 PM at the school for all those students eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2012-13 school year and their parents. There will be some fun activities, great information, and you will be able to sign up for a time for Kindergarten Round Up on March 30th from 8:30-11:30 at Garland School. If you have an eligible Kindergartner for the 2012-13 school year (or pass on this info if you know someone that does), please plan to attend this activity. Make sure to bring your child’s birth certificate and immunization record with you!

Anti-Tobacco Posters

The Anti-Tobacco posters for the 4th and 5th Grade students are due on Friday, March 16th. Please turn them into the office.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Box Tops Competition

Don't forget we are having a Box Tops Competition between all the classes. The class that brings in the most Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels will win a prize.

You have until March 19th to turn them in. Make sure when you send them to school with your student to put them in a bag labeled with your student's teacher and grade on the bag so they get credit for it.

THANKS and make sure to cut out along the dotted lines!!!

Help us raise some money for our school by clipping Box Tops and Campbell's Labels off the things you already buy.