McKinley School – Where We Look UP!You have probably noticed this quote on our marquee and on our doors at our school these past few weeks. We feel it is very important to have daily mental conditioning and having a positive attitude. A part of this is to look for the good in each other and to focus on the right things. Confidence is a choice and we can all help the students at McKinley look for the good in each day.
Part of this can happen at home. Here are a few suggestions that WE can all use as we are pitching in:
Would you like your child to be more responsible, hardworking, and persistent? Here are some ideas for working as a family to help your youngster develop these important traits.
A group approachThinking of herself as a “team player” can encourage your child to be responsible. Explain that your family operates as a team. Everyone must play a part to get things done. Example: You take her shopping for her clothes and sports equipment. She chooses her outfit each morning and keeps track of her bat and glove.
Hard workers wantedYour youngster probably has regular chores to do. You can motivate her to work extra hard by placing “want ads” on the refrigerator. Choose a challenging job, and offer a benefit. Example: Wanted – a hardworking family member to clean out a corner of the basement. Reward – a place for you and her friends to play.
Sticking it outWorking toward small goals can make it easier to make it easier to complete a big task. Perhaps your family room needs a good cleaning. Write down the steps (move furniture, dust mop board, clean windows, etc.). Tell your child you’ll take a fun break after each deed is done (go to the park, take a bike ride).
Hopefully these will help all of us to bring out the best in all of us. Always remember that my door is open for a visit. Let’s all help each other to cross the bridge from Can to Will.
Mr. Chadaz