Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Walk

The McKinley PTA Pumpkin Walk will be held on Monday, October 29th at the school from 6-7 PM.  We would like all students to participate if they can and would like to.  Each class will have a table set up decorated with the theme the individual teacher has chosen and the pumpkins are to be decorated around that theme.  Parents should be getting a note home soon from the head room parent notifying you of your class theme so you can start working on your pumpkin but if you haven't heard, please ask the teacher.  Room parents will be in charge of setting up and taking down the class tables that evening.  Please come and enjoy the evening as a family.  THANKS!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Box Tops Competition Schedule

We are having a Box Tops Competition again this year and here is the schedule of which month each grade's competition is...

October - Kindergarten
November - 1st Grade
December - 2nd Grade
January - 3rd Grade
February - 4th Grade
March -  5th Grade
April & May - All grades

There will be a treat for the class that collects the most each month for the grade level competition and there will be a root beer float party at the end of the school year for the overall collecting class in the school.

Please save all Box Tops and Campbells Soup Labels.  Make sure to cut the box tops and the Campbells Soup point labels out around the dotted lines.  DO NOT SEND WHOLE PACKAGE LABELS IN.  It helps tremendously if you can take the time to cut them out correctly.

This brings in a good amount of money for our school so please collect and help us out!!!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference/Book Fair

Just a reminder that it is Parent Teacher Conferences Wednesday, Oct. 10th from 2-7 PM and Thursday, October 11th from 3-7 PM (Friday, Oct. 12th for Kindergarten ONLY and no school for Kindergarten this day).  There will also be a book fair going on during conferences up on the stage.  Make sure to come pick up some great books for Christmas gifts or just for your kids to read now.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012