Monday, January 28, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences/Book Fair

Don't forget it is Parent Teacher Conferences this week on Tuesday from 2-7 PM and Wednesday from 3-7 PM.  A book fair will be going on these two days during conferences on the stage as well.  Come check out the great books available to purchase.  Kindergartners ONLY do not have school on Friday for Parent Teacher Conferences that day.  THANKS!

Student Council Fundraiser

We love music!!- and February is all about love-

Student council wants to earn money for instruments to use in Mrs. Stewart's music classes.  The way they intend to do this is having penny collection jars in each teacher's classroom.  The class with the most pennies wins a prize determined by their teacher (example: extra break, a p.j. day, a video that may go along with a concept you are learning about, popcorn, etc.).  Student council will be making a poster to put next to each teacher's door that will have a place to write the total amount of money collected each day Feb. 1- Feb. 14th.  Announcements will be made each day telling who is ahead.  I will also include snack size baggies.  Each day as you total your amount of money, put it in a baggie before you put it back in your jar so that you don't have to recount that amount of money again the next day.


If my class is behind in the penny race.....I can bring in other coins or dollars and put them in another class' jar and that becomes a negative.  For example:  If Mrs. Bitton has 100 pennies, and my class only has 50, I can bring 2 quarters the next day to put in her jar.  That would count as a negative 50 cents in her jar and now we would be even.  Get it?  Pennies are positives, anything else in your jar is a negative of that amount.  So your class wants to add pennies to your jar, and bring in other amounts of money to add to other class jars.  You MAY NOT take money out of your jar to add to another class' jar.

We are hoping to help out the quest for Mrs. Stewart to be able to purchase instruments for McKinley!  ....because....WE LOVE MUSIC!!!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yearbook Photos

Hey everyone...if you have any photos you have taken at the school in classes, at activities, etc. please e-mail them to Wendi Rees for the yearbook by Friday, January 11th!  Her e-mail is:


2nd Grade Box Tops Results

Congratulations to Mrs. Detwiler's class for collecting the most Box Tops in December for the 2nd grade.

Don't forget that the month of January is the competition between the 3rd grade classes so send all of your Box Tops and Campbell's Soup labels to school CUT OUT ALONG THE DOTTED LINES-NOT THE WHOLE BOX OR SOUP LABEL in a bag with your student and make sure to mark the teacher's name on the bag.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Book Fair

McKinley PTA will be hosting a Book Fair during Parent Teacher Conferences at the end of January.
The dates are as follows:

Tuesday, January 29th
3:00-4:00 PM - Set up the fair:  NO SHOPPING FOR STUDENTS
3:00-4:00 PM - Teacher Preview:  Teachers Only

Wednesday, January 30th
2:00-7:00 PM - Open to Shop

Thursday, January 31st
2:45-7:00 PM - Open to Shop
5:00-7:00 PM - Family Night!  Have a snack & shop as a family

You can also order online.  Watch for more information to come home soon.

You can also go to this link:

Thursday, January 3, 2013