Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Post card fundraiser info

There has been some concern regarding the use of the addresses that we are providing for the fundraiser. I want you to know that I share those concerns. In fact in talking with the representative of the company we are working with, the first question I asked was about what they do with the information given to them. Their answer to me was that any information given to them will be used solely for this fundraiser, and will not be shared with any other party. They have also put this “guarantee” on the front of the envelop that housed the postcards your student brought home. I completely understand the hesitancy to give out friends and relatives information. If you do not feel comfortable in completing the postcards I understand and support you in your decision. I was not planning on doing a “school fundraiser” this year until I got a call from this company letting me know that the materials that we had ordered were ready to be mailed to us. Evidently Mr. Chadaz had agreed to do the fundraiser before his passing. I could have refused without penalty but chose to honor his commitment to the company this year. I plan to work closely with our Community Council and PTA in the future to determine the need for 2 separate fundraisers at McKinley in the future. We appreciate all the support parents give us and will support you in whatever decision you feel is best for you and your family regarding the postcards. We are trying to keep it fairly low key as well here at the school, which is why we did not have an assembly for the school to kick off the event. We will be much more involved with the PTA fundraiser as it rolls forward next week. I hope that you feel comfortable in contacting me with any questions you may have regarding anything going on here at the school. Thank you again for all that you do for your kids and our school!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Lunch Menu