During the month of October,
we as a school will be talking about respect.
Being respectful means knowing the inherent value of a person or object. It means treating others as you would like to be treated, and treating objects with consideration. Showing respect to others is often the first step to making new friends.
Being respectful tells people you not only care about others, but you care about yourself. The most important part of being respectful is respecting yourself; if you don't, people won't respect you.
Being respectful is something that should be incorporated into your everyday lifestyle and part of your regular social skills. Being respectful is shown in a lot more ways than just using your 'please' and "thank you's". You also need to feel respect for someone even if they don't respect themselves or you. Or at least act like it.
Remember- It takes respect to earn respect. A great technique for giving respect is to empathize or relate to the other person. Listening and responding intelligently, seriously, and beneficially shows a great amount of respect. Everyone wants what they say to be heard and taken into consideration.
The definition of respect is the acknowledgement that someone or something has value. This gets to the point of the fact that while we may not always agree with someone or what they say, but we must always respect what it is that they say. How should you go about showing others respect? There are several simple things that go a long ways.
Be attentive to what they are saying. Make eye contact with them when they are talking and don't be day dreaming. Eye contact is the best way to show interest.
Be fair towards the other person. Many times we unfairly judge another person or their views and don't show them the respect they deserve.
Give them time to say what it is they want to say. One of the best ways to show no respect whatsoever is to rudely cut in while the other person is speaking. Allow them their time and you are likely to get yours as well.
Be sensitive to their thoughts and feelings. Just as you would want others to show some sensitivity toward the things you feel strongest about, you must do the same to others.
It takes some time to gain some respect but it is so easy to lose respect at the same time. This is something we must all work on. Here are some reminders for this month:
Cool Weather: Just a reminder to parents to be sure your children come to school with a jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt now that there’s a chill in the air in the mornings before school. We open the school doors at 7:50 a.m. for those students eating breakfast at school.
Fall Break – October 14th – 15th (note there is no furlough day on October 13th)
Parent Teacher Conferences/Bookfair: Will be held October 20th and 21st in the evenings. School will be dismissed early on October 20th for the teachers to prepare for these conferences. You and your child with meet with the teacher to discuss academic progress and set some goals for this school year. More information will be coming home with your child. (Kindergarten students will not be attending school on October 22nd to accommodate for an extra day of conferencing.)
Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 25th-29th: Our PTA has special activities and events scheduled this week to help students learn to make healthy choices in their lives.
We’ve had a very smooth start to this school year because students are doing an excellent job of following our school rules! Parents, thanks so much for your support!
Mr. Chadaz