November is a time that welcomes seasonal changes and family gatherings of giving thanks to all the wonderful aspects life has to offer. Enjoy this wonderful time of year!
We continue to focus our instruction on raising our scores in reading comprehension/fluency and math proficiency. Our test scores continue to raise but we know our students can do better in the areas mentioned. A child enters into the world of “loving to read” by having many opportunities to explore books. From the infant stage to adulthood – books change and/or impact the lives of all of us. The magic that comes from the stories told promote lifelong memories. Instill the passion to read by reading with your child every night, having them read to you or having them share a story with the family. The key is understanding (comprehension) what the words mean not just how to say/pronounce the words. Writing about a family trip, weekend, a fun event, a friend or family member is a great way to encourage your child to write. Encourage the use of quotations, capital letters, using different characters and have those characters have a conversation with each other, etc. Encourage a variety of writing from your children, for example a letter to a friend or relative, a thank you note, an invitation, a true story (non-fiction) or a make believe story (fiction). The more reading and writing you encourage and expect your child to do the more proficient he/she will be! The same goes with math. Math is all around us and giving children opportunities to figure out math calculations or brain teasers is fun and a great way to have a family activity. Involve as many of the family members as possible and make a game out of math problems.
Look forward to literacy and math nights to gain helpful ideas to help with your child at home. We can all use some extra ideas to promote learning! We appreciate all you do to help us help your child excel here at McKinley Elementary School. We are truly a team at McKinley School and together we win.
Mr. Chadaz