Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Activities Week 1


* Note from Mr. Chadaz:
Time is flying by. Things are going great at McKinley Elementary. The students are studying hard and the teachers are all working to provide the best education possible. There is truly a team spirit at McKinley and I appreciate the PTA, the Community Council, and all parents for their support and help. I have been so impressed with the way parents have taken responsibility for their child’s education and supported the school and the teachers. Along with this I have received great suggestions of how our school can run more smoothly. I am always open for suggestions and once again I appreciate your patience and cooperation with me and the team of educators at McKinley Elementary School.

One area of concern that has been on my mind and others is carpool procedures. It is important that specific guidelines be followed because our carpool is located on a city street and not within a campus property.

During carpool, EVERYONE please follow the following school guidelines:

* Please observe posted speed limit signs as we are in a residential neighborhood and are concerned about the safety of your children.
* Cars in the pickup line should never be left unattended.
* Carpool drivers are not permitted to get out of their car to find their child. Teachers and Staff are stationed outside to find and load the children into the cars.
* Please observe all neighborhood parking signs. The city enforces penalties for illegal parking.
* Please stay in the carpool line as close to the curb as possible when dropping off and picking up your children.
* Please do not block driveways or street entrances and exits as you wait in carpool line.
* If a car is still waiting for a student after the other cars in the line have been filled, that car will be directed to pull up.
* Please drop off children at the main entrance before proceeding to the parking lot. * Please do not park in the driveways at any time. Vehicles in the driveway area block the cafeteria loading dock and garbage removal access and are subject to towing.
* Students should be instructed never to leave school with anyone other than the person who normally comes for them. If a child is to go home with someone other than the regular driver or if a child is to walk home who normally does not, a note to that effect must be sent to the school.
* Please be prompt at dismissal time.
* Please do not turn around on 500 South after picking up carpool. No U Turn Signs are posted.
* Please tell children to stay on the sidewalk until their car has come to a stop.
* Parking for assemblies and other special events will be provided in the parking lot or at the east side rear of the school.

Thanks again for your help and support with everything and especially with the carpool situation. Mr. Chadaz

* The Book Fair is Coming! (See monthly calendar for dates/times and more information will follow) Watch for the Monster Mania coloring pages that should be coming out on Friday, October 8. They need to be turned back into the office by Thursday, October 14. A $5 Book Gift Certificate will be awarded to one boy winner and one girl winner from each grade!

* Early Out is Wednesday, October 6th. School will be dismissed at 12:55 PM.

* If you ordered a T-Shirt, they are ordered and should be here in about 2 weeks. THANKS!

* KUED kids is sponsoring a Read-a-thon for kids. If your students are interested, please go to, click on Ready To Learn at the top, then click on Reading Marathon for a reading log sheet and more information. They have a fun party at the end for all those who reach the reading goal and track it online.