Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Activities Week 1


* December Health & Safety Challenge: Be Positive

Keep your attitude positive, even though you may be cooped up inside this winter.

1. Find simple DAILY exercises to do inside that will keep you healthy and reduce stress.
2. Look for the good in people around you and give sincere compliments.
3. Watch for positive things in your own life and share with your family one good thing that happened to you each day or one thing you are thankful for.

7:15 – 8:15 AM in the morning. Dads (or an uncle, grandpa, etc. if a dad is not able to come) are invited to attend with their McKinley student(s) that morning for breakfast. PLEASE do not park in the carpool lane!!

Wednesday, Dec. 8th from 3-6 PM
Thursday, Dec. 9th from 3-5 PM
Friday, Dec. 10th from 11AM – 1PM & 3-5 PM (Also during Doughnuts with Dad)

* Bookmobile will be Thursday, December 9th.

* Upcoming Events: Friday, December 17th will be the 5th Grade Music Program at 2 PM in the gym. Parents, grandparents, etc. are welcome to attend. The PTA also plans to announce the winners of Reflections and hand out awards for Reflections to the students at this assembly.

* MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR LITERACY NIGHT on Wednesday, January 12th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the school for students and their families. It will be themed, “Exploring Books” and is going to be a lot of FUN!!!

* A Dime a Day Ongoing Fundraiser: Help us raise money for the end of the year field trips by donating 10 cents a day. We are setting a goal of $4,500 which will cover the bus expenses for class field trips. There will be a jar in the front office where anyone can donate as much as they would like.

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of December is between the 3rd Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

December Health & Safety Challenge

Each month there will be a personal challenge to help you be healthy and safe this year. If you discuss and accept this challenge with your parents, you can bring back a slip to be entered in a drawing for monthly rewards. You can also do your part to earn a “Blow Up Toy” Activity Day for the whole school at the end of the year. We are excited to see the fantastic students and staff at McKinley Elementary get fit and have fun this year!

December Challenge: Be Positive
Keep your attitude positive even though you may be cooped up inside this winter.

1. Find simple DAILY exercises to do inside that will keep you healthy and reduce stress.
2. Look for the good in people around you and give sincere compliments.

3. Watch for positive thingsin your own life ad share with your family one good thing that happeed to you eachday or one thin you are thankful for.

Don't forget to sign and return your sheet to drop box by the office if you accept this challenge for the month.

December Principal's Message

I love this time of year as I am sure most of you do too. It’s a special time of year. It is a time to reflect on all that surrounds us, including our family, friends, home, and community. While it should be a yearlong sentiment, the spirit of the season compels us to give to one another.

So, amid the hustle and bustle, preparation and gift giving, don't overlook giving back to your school community. I am amazed at the number of volunteers that we have at McKinley and the spirit of volunteerism that exists here. McKinley is truly a school that gives back to the community. This spirit was shown last year during our food, clothing, and stuffed animal drives. This kind of action comes from good encouragement from home and family. With that thought in mind, we could always use more volunteer help in our school.

Why not give back to others and the school by volunteering in some way? If you would like to take the time to volunteer, the school could always use an extra pair of hands, ears, or eyes. We can always use help in our take home library and reading groups. Our students love to have visitors come and listen to them read and help them with their vocabulary words.

I have always felt good about our mission statement at McKinley School which simple states:

TEAMTogether Everyone Achieves More

I feel this says it all! To go along with this statement I would like to add these quotes…

There is no "I" in Team but there is a "u" in volunteer!
There is no "I" in Team, but we sure are glad there is "u" in our volunteers!

Thanks again for your support and understanding. McKinley is a great school and a great place to serve at.

Mr. Chadaz

December Calendars

Click on the images below for better viewing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Activities Week 4 & 5


* Please be aware this information is for two weeks due to school being out next week for Thanksgiving.

* The Turkey Trot is on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd and is scheduled as follows if parents would like to come watch:

AM & All Day

Kindergarten 10:00 AM
PM Kindergarten 12:15 PM
1st Grade 12:45 PM
2nd Grade 1:05 PM
3rd Grade 1:25 PM
4th Grade 1:45 PM
5th Grade 2:05 PM

Kindergarten – 1st Grade will run a half mile and 2nd – 5th will run a mile. The boy and girl first place winners from each grade will receive a turkey, the boy and girl second place winners from each grade will receive a certificate for a free pumpkin pie at Kents, and the boy and girl third place winners from each grade will receive a loaf of homemade bread with a jar of jam. There will be a drawing for a few additional prizes that all students will have a chance of winning. Be ready to “strut your stuff ”!

* There will be an Awards Assembly at 1:40 PM on Monday, Nov. 23rd in the gym.

* Don’t forget the November Health & Safety Challenge: Be Healthy
Develop good hygiene habits to keep yourself healthy!

1. Wash, wash, wash your hands. Wash well and wash often to keep those germs away!
2. Use flu prevention techniques to keep form catching or spreading illness. Cover coughs and sneezes. Make sure vaccinations are up to date and consider getting a flu shot. ( See www.flu.gov)
3. Be sure to keep your smile healthy by brushing and flossing morning and night!
Our rewards drawing will be after Thanksgiving on November 30th.

* THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24TH – FRIDAY, NOV. 26TH. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

* Early Out is Wednesday, December 1st!! School dismissed at 12:55 PM. AM Kindergarten: 8:25 AM – 10:25 AM, PM Kindergarten: 10:55 AM – 12:55 PM


* PLANNING AHEAD: Mark your calendars for the following events… more information will come in the weeks ahead:

Friday, December 10th will be Doughnuts with Dad in the morning before school.

Wednesday, December 8th – Friday, December 10th there will be a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE bookfair… take this opportunity to stock up on some fun books for Christmas gifts.

December 17th will be the 5th Grade Program: 2PM (Gym)

* A Dime a Day Ongoing Fundraiser: Help us raise money for the end of the year field trips by donating 10 cents a day. We are setting a goal of $4,500 which will cover the bus expenses for class field trips. There will be a jar in the front office where anyone can donate as much as they would like… unload that loose change in your pocket/purse.

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of November is between the 4th Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activities Week 3



* There will be a 5th Grade Science Program on Monday, Nov. 15th at 8:40 AM

* Early Out is Wednesday, November 17th!! School dismissed at 12:55 PM.
AM Kindergarten: 8:25 AM – 10:25 AM, PM Kindergarten: 10:55 AM – 12:55 PM

* The 2nd Grade Music Program is on Friday, November 19th at 2:00 PM. Parents and grandparents are invited to attend.

* A Dime a Day Ongoing Fundraiser: Help us raise money for the end of the year field trips by donating 10 cents a day. We are setting a goal of $4,500 which will cover the bus expenses for class field trips. There will be a jar in the front office where anyone can donate as much as they would like… unload that loose change in your pocket/purse.

* Please make sure to sign in at the office when you come to volunteer at the school and don’t forget to mark your hours on a Volunteer Sheet so we can track the hours. There is a Volunteer Sheet in the office as well as at each classroom door. THANKS!

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of November is between the 4th Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

* It is getting very chilly outside, please make sure to dress your students appropriately so they stay healthy and warm. THANKS!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Veterans Day Lunch

We have recently received word from the district office that we will offer free lunch to any veteran on Veterans Day next Thursday, November 11th. The veterans will need to call ahead for their lunch. THANKS!


Individual school photos have gone home, but be aware that if you ordered a group photo, they are on their way and should be coming home within the week.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Activities Week 2


* Don’t forget DAYLIGHT SAVINGS is Nov. 7th. Turn back your clocks an hour Saturday night to be prepared for the time change at midnight on Sunday, November 7th.

* Please make sure to sign in at the office when you come to volunteer at the school and don’t forget to mark your hours on a Volunteer Sheet so we can track the hours. There is a Volunteer Sheet in the office as well as at each classroom door. THANKS!

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of November is between the 4th Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

* Congratulations to Mr. Bennett’s class who won the Box Tops Competition in October. WAY TO GO!!!

* Reflections information have been sent home. The theme this year is “Together we can”. If you want to see more information on the categories, rules, etc. you can visit www.ptareflections.org then click on “Learn More” then “Local Participation” and then “Rules and Entry Forms” or talk to Karma in the office. Get those creative juices flowing and use your imagination to create something fun and unique!!! Entries will be due in the office by Monday, Nov. 15th.

* Community Council Meeting – Monday, Nov. 8th at 3:15 PM in Missy Michaelis’ Room

* PTA Board Meeting – Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 3:10 PM in the Teacher’s Lounge

* Picture Retakes will be Wednesday, Nov. 10th