Saturday, November 27, 2010

December Health & Safety Challenge

Each month there will be a personal challenge to help you be healthy and safe this year. If you discuss and accept this challenge with your parents, you can bring back a slip to be entered in a drawing for monthly rewards. You can also do your part to earn a “Blow Up Toy” Activity Day for the whole school at the end of the year. We are excited to see the fantastic students and staff at McKinley Elementary get fit and have fun this year!

December Challenge: Be Positive
Keep your attitude positive even though you may be cooped up inside this winter.

1. Find simple DAILY exercises to do inside that will keep you healthy and reduce stress.
2. Look for the good in people around you and give sincere compliments.

3. Watch for positive thingsin your own life ad share with your family one good thing that happeed to you eachday or one thin you are thankful for.

Don't forget to sign and return your sheet to drop box by the office if you accept this challenge for the month.