Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Activities Week 2


* Happy New Year!!!! We're excited to welcome Ms. Sederholm as a new 4th Grade Teacher. We wish Mrs. Archibald the best in her new adventures and will miss her greatly!

January Health & Safety Challenge: Be Better
Take the opportunity to set personal and family goals for the new year!

1. Keep track of time spent watching TV and time spent exercising. Try to decrease screen time and increase time getting exercise each week!
2. Make daily family dinners a time to connect and strengthen your family.
3. Set personal and family goals to be better.

If you accept this challenge, make sure to sign the form that was sent home and return it to the box by the office. THANKS!

* Community Council Meeting – Monday, Jan. 10th at 3:15 PM in Missy Michaelis’ Room

* PTA Board Meeting – Tuesday, Jan. 11th at 3:10 PM in the Teacher’s Lounge

* Tryouts for the School Play will be Tuesday, Jan. 11th at 3 PM. If your student would like to try out, they will need to read over the guideline/information sheet that was sent home and then the parent will need to sign the permission slip and return it as well as the student prepare a short poem with expression and a short song for that day. Parents: Please pick up your child at 4 PM.

* PLEASE COME TO LITERACY NIGHT on Wednesday, January 12th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the school for students and their families. It will be themed, “Exploring Books” and is going to be a lot of FUN!!! The Literacy Team is looking for a few parents that could help that night. If you are available to help, please contact Lynette Bullen at the school.

* The Box Tops Competition for the month of January will be the 2nd Grade classes. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

* Please note that there will be no school on Monday, Jan. 17th in honor of Human Rights Day. Mark that on your calendar!