Sunday, January 1, 2012

January Principal Message

What Makes a Quality School?

Quality public schools recognize that all students can learn and provide the tools, support, and connections students need to reach their full potential. Here at McKinley School, we take this very seriously. The following are some of the concepts we take seriously:

* Parent and community support: Parents and community members are actively engaged in supporting their schools in constructive ways. They hold school officials and themselves accountable for results. We feel extremely good about the support of the community. We have seen great improvement in our test scores and progress in our reading. We have many parents that volunteer in our classrooms and we are always open for more parent involvement and interaction.

* Public engagement: Educating all of our children to high standards is a collective responsibility and one that requires ongoing engagement and support of the community. Our teachers have incorporated the new language arts common core into their curriculum along with the new math concepts and have outlined the entire year with lessons and testing blocks to guide their curriculum in the correct direction. We have also added more aides in our classrooms to help in this effort.

* Qualified teachers in every classroom: Highly qualified teachers who benefit from continuous professional development strengthen teaching and learning. Every one of our teachers and aides are highly qualified and are also qualified under the No Child Left Behind Act. Many of our teachers have Master Degrees and many are currently working on higher degrees and attend extra training when it is offered. This is done on their own time and using their own money.

* Rigorous curriculum and fair assessments: A rigorous instructional program tied to high standards builds student knowledge and strengthens critical thinking skills, while fair assessments monitor progress and truly measure what students know and can do. Our teachers plan their time well and use their time well to teach what is required. We try our best to teach the whole child and appreciate any constructive criticism when it is needed.

* Safe, healthy and supportive learning environment: Safe, sound facilities and student enrichment activities create an environment where students can learn and grow. Our staff is very supportive of each other and our school has a sound learning environment that encourages student participation. All classes are active in whole group, small group, and partner instruction.

* Schools and classrooms equipped for teaching and learning: Students and staff have access to timely, relevant resources including up-to-date textbooks and current technology. All classrooms are equipped with SMARTboards and document cameras (ELMOs) and the teachers are using up-to-date information from the internet, workshops, and textbooks. Plus, 80% of our classrooms are equipped with mini computer labs and plans are in the works to have 100% of our classrooms equipped with computer labs by the end of the school year.

* Sufficient resources that help all students achieve: Student achievement is the measure of school success. Resources and teaching strategies are tied to this goal at quality public schools. Our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are going great! Each grade level meets weekly to discuss student growth, and are asking themselves: 1. What do we want students to learn? 2. How will we know when they have learned it? 3. What will we do if they don’t learn it? 4. What will we do once they have learned it? All grade levels are conducting either daily or weekly assessments and then following up with detailed interventions (Cougar Time) to help all students achieve their best.

Even though it sounds like we are patting ourselves on the back, I feel good about what is happening at McKinley School. This is a great place to be and we deliver high quality education. True, there are things we need to work on but as a TEAM we can do it. This includes the teachers, aides, parents, and community. As our mission statement reads: “Together Everyone Achieves More.” We’re all in this together so please drop by my office anytime and share with me any concerns, suggestions, or celebrations you might have.

As always, thanks for your help and support!

Mr. Chadaz