Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gifted & Talented Nominations

The District is now accepting nominations for the Gifted & Talented program for those entering 4th grade for the 2012-13 school year. If you would like to nominate a student, please pick up a form from the office or download it at www.besd.net and turn it into the office by March 16th.

Kindergarten Getting To Know You

There will be a Kindergarten Getting To Know You activity on Wednesday, March 7th at 2:15 PM at the school for all those students eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2012-13 school year and their parents. There will be some fun activities, great information, and you will be able to sign up for a time for Kindergarten Round Up on March 30th from 8:30-11:30 at Garland School. If you have an eligible Kindergartner for the 2012-13 school year (or pass on this info if you know someone that does), please plan to attend this activity. Make sure to bring your child’s birth certificate and immunization record with you!

Anti-Tobacco Posters

The Anti-Tobacco posters for the 4th and 5th Grade students are due on Friday, March 16th. Please turn them into the office.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Box Tops Competition

Don't forget we are having a Box Tops Competition between all the classes. The class that brings in the most Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels will win a prize.

You have until March 19th to turn them in. Make sure when you send them to school with your student to put them in a bag labeled with your student's teacher and grade on the bag so they get credit for it.

THANKS and make sure to cut out along the dotted lines!!!

Help us raise some money for our school by clipping Box Tops and Campbell's Labels off the things you already buy.

Lunch Schedule Change

The menu has changed for February 27th and February 28th. The new menus will be as follows:

February 27th
#1 Chicken Nuggets
#2 Grilled Cheese Sandwich

February 28th
#1 Pulled Pork BBQ
#2 Corn Dog

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

McDonalds Fundraiser

Don't forget it is our McDonalds Fundraiser tonight and tomorrow (Feb. 21st and 22nd) from 5-8 PM at the Tremonton McDonalds. Those with last names beginning A-J come into McDonalds to eat on Tuesday night and those with last names beginning K-Z come into McDonalds to eat on Wednesday night and McDonalds will donate 20% of the proceeds to our school. So you don't have to cook dinner and you are helping the school...DOUBLE BONUS!!! There will be some of the McKinley staff working out there during these times, so come visit them.

Note: If you cannot come on the night your last name is scheduled, please feel free to come either night or BOTH if you want, anytime from 5-8 PM. THANKS for your support!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

FREE Flu Shots

The Bear River Health Department has a limited number of flu shots and flu mist that can be given to anyone for FREE. Our clinic hours are Monday - Thursday 8am-6pm and Friday 8am-1pm. Vaccine is available in both offices:

*817 West 950 South, Brigham City (435) 734-0845

*655 East 1300 North, Logan (435) 792-6500

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Calendars

Click on images to view larger.

February Principal Message

Focus in the Right Direction

I hope you don’t mind if I share my personal thoughts with you this month. I love where I am in my life at this moment and I love McKinley School, the staff, and this community. I feel we all give our all for the kids.

With this in mind, I do feel that in the most part, education focuses far too extensively on test scores and far too little on the whole child. We often choose one-size-fits-all fixes while ignoring solid research about the infinite ways students learn and children develop. The true measure of students’ proficiency and college, career, and citizenship-readiness must be based on more than just their scores on state standardized reading and math assessments.

We shouldn’t simply teach to the test. We need to teach for understanding, and assessments are tools to gauge that understanding. When used effectively, assessments can facilitate high levels of student achievement by providing ongoing information about students’ grasp of key concepts and how to enhance their learning to help them meet or exceed academic requirements. We also need to provide fun activities with music, P.E., and the arts.

Parents, our test scores did slip a little this past year so please encourage and help your student with their studies by encouraging them to follow through with their teacher’s excellent teaching. If you have questions, please communicate with the teacher and then render timely service to your child. Value those individual needs and extend a hand when needed. This will ultimately show in increased test scores for your child and the school.

I want all of you to know that we’re here and we’re committed to our school. The TEAM at McKinley is determined to instill in our students strong skills in reading, writing, and math. We are also determined to give students a home-away-from-home that provides endless motivation, support, and guidance.

We are always open to ideas and suggestions so please feel free to drop by my office with your ideas and successes to share. As we establish a connection and value individual needs we all can see the “big picture” and make McKinley even better.

Thanks again!

Mr. Chadaz