Tuesday, February 21, 2012

McDonalds Fundraiser

Don't forget it is our McDonalds Fundraiser tonight and tomorrow (Feb. 21st and 22nd) from 5-8 PM at the Tremonton McDonalds. Those with last names beginning A-J come into McDonalds to eat on Tuesday night and those with last names beginning K-Z come into McDonalds to eat on Wednesday night and McDonalds will donate 20% of the proceeds to our school. So you don't have to cook dinner and you are helping the school...DOUBLE BONUS!!! There will be some of the McKinley staff working out there during these times, so come visit them.

Note: If you cannot come on the night your last name is scheduled, please feel free to come either night or BOTH if you want, anytime from 5-8 PM. THANKS for your support!