Thursday, February 3, 2011

Activities Week 2 of February


* Welcome Mrs. Burk to McKinley as a new 2nd Grade teacher! She will be taking Mrs. Hugie’s spot. Mrs. Hugie recently had a baby and will be staying at home with her new little one. We will miss you Mrs. Hugie!

* PTA Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 8th @ 3:10 PM in the Teacher’s Lounge.

* ATTENTION ROOM PARENTS: Please be aware that the 100th day of school is being celebrated this Tuesday, February 8th and the Room Parents are in charge of a class activity and treat for that day. Please make sure you have talked to the teacher and have set up a time to come into the classroom. Thanks for your help!

* Family Math Night will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 9th from 6:30 – 8:10 PM. Make sure to bring the family and come for Math Mania!

* You can still purchase a YEARBOOK! They are $12 until they are sold out. You will need to give your order form and money to Mrs. Spackman in the office and checks are to be made out to McKinley Elementary.

* Remember The Box Tops Competition for February will be the 1st Grade classes! You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and put them in the collection container in your classroom. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE WINNING CLASS! Good Luck!

* There will be a meeting at McKinley planned by the School District on Tuesday, Feb. 15th at 7:00 PM to discuss the “tentative” boundary changes that will be made due to the new Garland and Fielding schools. These changes will affect our school so please plan to attend to receive more information and give input. THANKS!!!