Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Activities Week 3 of April


* Early Out is Wednesday, April 20th! School dismissed at 12:55 PM.
AM Kindergarten: 8:25 AM – 10:25 AM, PM Kindergarten: 10:55 AM – 12:55 PM

* Kindergarten Round-Up is on Thursday, April 21st from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM at the Garland Armory. If you have any questions regarding the time you signed up for, etc. please call the office.

* SPRING BREAK will be Friday, April 22nd and Monday, April 25th. Remember no school on these days. ENJOY!!! Happy Easter!

* Congratulations to Mrs. C. Michaelis’ AM Kindergarten class for winning the Box Top Competition in March!

* The Box Tops Competition for APRIL & MAY is between ALL GRADES. Let’s see which class in the school can be the top collector. You can bring in the following items: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes. Make sure Box Tops are cut out along the dotted lines and the soup labels are just the UPC with the point value. Bring in as much as you can and give them to your teacher until MAY 20TH. THERE WILL BE A PRIZE FOR THE OVERALL WINNING CLASS! Good Luck! We are now only collecting the above listed items!!! (No more cereal bags, chip bags, etc.)

* Our Book Fair is Coming! We are so excited about the amazing selection of books headed our way! Mark your calendar for our Grand Event where students can invites someone “Grand” in their life to join them for an after-school snack and some special shopping time at the Book Fair. The Book Fair will run from Tuesday, May 3rd – Friday, May 6th during lunch (11:30 – 12:30) and after school, the GRAND Event, (3:00 – 5:00 on Tuesday & Friday, 1:00 – 3:00 on Wednesday, and 3:00 – 6:00 on Thursday). More information will come home soon!

* ATTENTION ROOM PARENTS: Teacher Appreciation is the 1st week of May. PTA will provide a blank poster board for each class. You can now pick up the poster board in the office from Karma and then decorate it how you want but please keep it to the size of the poster board so each class poster will be the same size. You can come and hang them up on Friday, April 29th from 3-6 PM. We will be notifying you soon with more info on an activity we will need Room Parent help with the week of Teacher Appreciation.

* Parents: Many of our teachers could use some classroom supplies. If you would be willing to donate some items for your child’s classroom, please talk to their teacher to see what items they are in need of. THANKS for your help.

* 5th Grade Parents: YES, we are aware that the night of 5th Grade Graduation (May 31st) is the same night as Seminary Graduation. That is why we moved it to 5:30 PM and plan to keep it to an hour so that those who need to go to Seminary Graduation can be on there way to make it on time. THANKS!