Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Principal's Message

I recently read a book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, M.D. It’s a quick read but makes some really good points that I’d like to highlight.

The story is a parable about dealing with change. “Cheese” is a metaphor for what you want in life – whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money, a possession, health or spiritual peace of mind.

In the story, the characters are faced with unexpected change as their “cheese is moved.” By the end of the story, the characters realize the following:

Change happens – The cheese keeps moving.

Anticipate change – Get ready for the cheese to move.

Monitor change – Smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.

Adapt to change quickly – The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese.

Change – Move with the cheese.

Enjoy change – Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese!

I think that we can all agree that change happens. And though change is a constant, we often times choose to ignore change or deny change is happening. Part of why we do this is because we are afraid of what’s on the other side of change.

One of the parts I like in the book is that, at the end, a group sits around discussing the parable, bringing it home to their own lives and identifying themselves with the different characters.

One person shares that they are having marital problems and the group identifies that the change needed is not necessarily divorce. The change is the need to stop old behaviors and attitudes and to take on new behaviors and attitudes that will strengthen the marriage.

Another person in the group asks the question, “Who is afraid of change?” and only one person raises his hand. The person asking the question states, “At least we have one honest person.” Then she asked, “Who thinks others are afraid of change?” and everyone raised their hands.

It’s not always comfortable admitting we feel fear but all of us do at one point or another. Perhaps we don’t identify it as fear initially, but when we get really honest, fear is often at the root of emotional and relational issues and fear can be the cause of many failures and missed adventures.

As we all approach change in the future let’s lean on each other’s strengths and look for the positive in the future. Just like the door in our front entrance reads “Whenever one door closes, another door opens!” We’re all in this together so let’s all work a little harder to be a little better.

Thanks for your continued help and support. Mr. Chadaz