Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Activities Week 5 of May/June

MAY 30 - JUNE 2

* IT IS THE LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! Can you really believe it?


* May 31st will be the School Pentathalon at 9:00 AM for 4th and 5th Graders. It will begin about 9:00 AM. If you are participating, make sure to wear the appropriate clothing.

* Parents: DON’T FORGET THAT 5TH GRADE GRADUATION IS TUESDAY, MAY 31ST AT 5:30 PM SHARP in the gym. Please dress in nice clothes for this special occasion. Come honor this great group of graduates!

* Final Awards Assembly is Wednesday, June 1st at 9:30 AM.

* FIELD DAY IS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1ST AT 12:45 PM. Room parents: Please check with the teacher of the class you are over and see what help they need for that day and what time they need volunteers. Also, room parents are being asked to provide Capri Suns for after the activities that day so if you could arrange for someone to bring enough for your class and leave them with the teacher, notifying him/her what they are for, sometime before Field Day, that would be fantastic! If you have questions, please contact Tarena Avery.

* Thursday, June 2nd is the last day of school! The soccer game: 5th Graders vs. McKinley Staff will be in the morning at 9:00 AM. School will be dismissed at 12:25 PM. No lunch will be served this day.

* Congratulations to Mrs. Hannum’s 1st Grade Class who won the Overall Box Tops Competition.

* The Box Tops Competition for this school year has officially ended but make sure to be saving the following items over the summer: Box Tops, Cream of Weber lids, Campbell’s Soup labels, empty Elmer’s glue stick tubes/glue bottles and empty Neosporin tubes.

* Mrs. Missy Michaelis has 6 free kittens available. If you are interested, please talk to Mrs. Michaelis at the school.

* A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all the Room Parents for the many hours you have given at the school this year and to the PTA Board for all of your hard work, as well as those parents, grandparents, etc. who have come and volunteered time at the school on behalf of our students. You really make a DIFFERENCE and your efforts are appreciated! We also want to thank the staff at McKinley for all of their support! You truly are the greatest!

* For a really cool Summer Activity Guide of things to do for kids in the Box Elder and Cache County area, go to www.usuchild.usu.edu. Click on “parents” at the top, then click on “Activities for Children” on the left side and then click on “Summer Activity Guide.”