Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Principal's Message

Be The Best You Can Be
As We Try – Our Kids Will Try

Even though the school year is about to end there is always ways to improve to be a better person. We can always try a little harder to be a little better and while doing so we can help others along the way. Each human being has virtually unlimited potential when born. Unfortunately, many of us are never able to achieve our full potential. There are steps that you can take to be the best you can be. You really have to pursue and develop it to be the best you can be. Here's how to do it.

Evaluate Your Strengths and Weaknesses - Self knowledge is the starting point in trying to be the best you can be. You'll need to write down your strengths and weaknesses and ask others to assess them, too. The feedback from others will help you see how realistic your self-assessment is and perhaps aid in defining your potential in a number of areas.

Establish Realistic Goals - You need to make things happen. Becoming the best you can be isn't automatic. An important step is to establish realistic goals for key areas of life: education, career, income, choice of place to live, and so on.

Develop and Implement Action Plans - Once you have goals, action plans are required to specify in some detail how you will achieve them. Becoming an expert in developing and implementing action plans can really help you to be the best you can be.

Develop and Maintain a Positive Outlook - There are numerous distractions on the road to being the best you can be. It takes work but you can overcome discouraging events and negative influences. Learn how to become and stay a positive person.

Pursue Life-Long Learning - Education is the goose that keeps on laying golden eggs. Make the most of your formal schooling at every level and make a commitment to life-long learning.

Develop Your Character - Good character is one of the key ingredients in being the best you can be and in having a good life. You need to acquire prudence to make consistently good decisions in life. You need to act justly so that you will be trusted and respected.

Cultivate Good Habits - If you are a well functioning adult you will realize how valuable good habits are. To be the best you can be, you must be alert to avoid or break bad habits and to cultivate good ones.

As we strive to be the best we can be our students will see our example and strive to do their best also. It’s been a great school year and we have seen many great successes and it’s been because of a great support team from everyone. Let’s continue to pull together for the good of our school community.

Thanks for your continued help and support!

Mr. Chadaz